Tag Archives: #FrozenFlame

Waking: Grimm : FF : Wide Awake and Dreaming Pt.3

“When Frost woke, it was to the strange utterances of another of Presia’s visions. Still sleeping in his arms but speaking her haunting message to the morning air that spilled into the room.

So near death the cursed ones sleep.” Presia unknowingly shared her dream. A vision of a tragedy to befall Frost’s kind. “In his blood they wake as the savior suffers. Feathered twins gaze on the birth of power; Children of blood see the birth of impossible passion. New hope born in the pain of the long dead.”

As her vision shifted to more personal glimpses of what the future held she woke and clung to Frost in a panic. She had no way of knowing when and the augury was still hazy, but the clarity of Frost falling near lifeless in her arms snapped her from sleep.

“Morning.” Frost comforted her in as warm an embrace as his cold skin would allow. “You talk in your sleep.”

“Was it bothersome?” Presia laid against his chest and calmed herself.

“The talking, no.” Frost kissed the top of her head. “Just strange to hear such a pretty thing talking about blood and curses. Feeling up for a walk?”

“Sounds nice.” Presia would have been just as content to stay against his skin, but after a lifetime confined by four walls the freedom to explore was not something she could turn down very easily. “May I ask where we are going?”

“Eventually to see if I have work.” Frost smiled. He could not begin to imagine spending every waking moment of his life in the same room. Even if he preferred solitude to the company of others there was some comfort to be had in knowing there were others, that there was beyond the walls we use to get away. He thought it was time for Presia to experience some of it for herself. “First I thought we would just walk.”

“No destination?” Presia sat up and looked at him. As he let his hands slide along her arms he kept his eyes on hers and Presia knew the suggestion was meant as a gift to her. “Lord Frost, you don’t have to…”

“I’ll make this easy.” Frost interrupted and shook his head as he pushed himself out of bed. “I want to walk. Come with me.”

“Thank you.” Presia giggled as she pounced at him. Holding him in a tight embrace as he caught her in his arms. 

“For telling you what to do?” Frost laughed. “You are going to take some getting used to.”

“I just think the two of you should focus less on this.” Nei checked his phone for the usual updates on the goings on of the world. “Go live. I suggest somewhere warmer.”

“You mean you don’t want us to stick around?” Twaer teased with tears of understanding in her eyes.

“You are charming.” Nei smiled. It was not the Djinn that worried Nei; while he would much prefer things go back to life as usual, it was Talon that had him on edge. “And considering what I owe you, I will gladly host your frequent visits.”

“My Lord Frost thinks you should see more of the world before you settle.” Presia understood his worry and aided his efforts. “Of course you would be welcome in Drifa, but you should first see what Tsuriai has to offer.” 

“Can I take some of these?” Twaer grabbed some of the berries.

“Of course.” Presia nodded. “Take the lot. We’ll be sure that Talon knows you enjoy them.”

“Thank you both.” Ifre stood and bowed his head. They had given him enough to think on. “I think we will do some traveling. I’m glad I decided to help you, Frost.”

“So am I.” Nei offered his hand as he stood. As Ifre awkwardly accepted the gesture he smiled. “Don’t get into any trouble. We’ve had enough of that.”

Thalia had wandered through most of the first and second floors. There had been only one locked door on the second floor and it yielded no response to her knocking so she simply moved on assuming the room was Talon’s and he wanted privacy as she wandered through the house. The idea that he wanted time to himself was soon put to rest as she entered a large bathroom and met the gaze of her Master.

“Sorry.” Thalia turned away quickly to hide the flush in her face. “I didn’t realize you were… in here… naked.”

“Don’t be absurd.” Talon had not been bothered by the intrusion in the least. In fact, he was amused by her reaction and saw the visit as an opportunity. “Come here.”

“But you’re…” Thalia turned and stepped closer reluctantly. She let her self breathe a sigh of relief when she was close enough to notice the layer of dark petals that covered the surface of the water. Even with the blessedly convenient veil of decency she tried to keep her focus on his face as she spoke. “I was just looking around like you told me.”

“Thalia.” Talon moved forward and leaned on the edge of the tub playfully to address her. “This is your home. I would like you to enjoy it, but you are going to have to get used to me.”

“How?” Thalia felt defeated by the very concept of trying to accept her place in this place. Talon himself was another matter entirely. “And do I have to get used to you naked?”

“I haven’t decided.” Talon beckoned her closer and sat a large sponge on the edge of the bath before he turned and made himself comfortable. “But, just in case.”

“I…” Thalia let herself laugh a moment in hopes it was in jest. “I hope you are joking.”

“I am not.” Talon looked back a moment cruelly to make it clear he was being anything but facetious. “Come now, be useful.”

“Fine.” Thalia kneeled beside the bath with a sense of determination to prove his obvious insult unwarranted. Her father sent her here to face her destiny and she was going to do so even if it meant serving the ego of this demon. She pushed up her sleeves slightly, careful not to expose the fur of her less likeable qualities and took the sponge in one hand, dipping it into the fragrant water as she tried to make peace. “Talon, I want to be useful. I just…”

“Then do as you are told.” Talon splashed at her playfully. “I am trying to make this simple for you.”

Thalia scowled behind his back. There was hardly anything simple about what he asked. She breathed deep and filled the sponge and tried to think about anything but the demon in front of her as she brought it up one of his arms, with another hand she moved aside his hair, carefully laying the long perfect braids over his opposite shoulder before re-soaking the sponge and bringing it up his back. She cringed at the sight of his crest and couldn’t help but breech the subject once more. “I still don’t understand why you did this.”

Talon turned slightly to give her a confused glance.

“To my family.” Thalia explained as she looked away and focused on the petals in the water. Talon had said he valued his possessions, but she wondered if her value was like that of those petals; something to be fleetingly adored than forgotten. To think her father suffered for something so trivial made her furious. “My father is in mourning over this.”

“He shouldn’t be and neither should you.” Talon took her wrist to pull her closer and her resistance brought both her arms into the water between them. “I made a claim on what would likely be a unique creature. I was right to do so. When you came through my door I was glad I had already left my mark, it saved me the trouble of doing so now. You are spectacular, Thalia. Simply lovely, I am proud to have you.”

“I’m not all that lovely.” Thalia quietly protested as she sat back trying to wring water from her sleeves. “Just different.”

“Stubborn.” Talon splashed her from the tub soaking the rest of her modest attire. “Just take the compliment.”

“Now I have to change.” Thalia dropped her gaze to her clothes pouting.

“Excellent.” Talon clothed himself as he stood and stepped from the bath. He patted her head as he passed her. “You’ll have a chance to…”

“Not in front of you!” Thalia’s voice was shrill with panic. She remembered suddenly his desire to see his stain on her and now assumed this whole game with the bath had just been a means to force it.

“I was going to say choose a room for yourself.” Talon frowned at her. “If you keep insisting that I am full of ill intent I will be delighted to indulge your twisted fantasy.”

Thalia shook her head in frightened protest to the idea and fought the urge to cry as she followed him from the room. She was going to have to choose her words far more carefully or she was going to drive Talon to live out the worst of her fears. He had been patient, but with each cruel assumption she uttered she could see his humor fading.

“I am…” Thalia stifled a whimper as she began to apologize.

“Don’t.” Talon cut her off as they reached the stairs. “I’m sick of the sentiment. I know you are frightened of me, but I have given you no reason to be. I think we would both like it to remain that way. Have you been upstairs?”

As Thalia shook her head in response, Talon led her upstairs to the homes most impressive floor. Much like the first, a long hall at the front housed rooms to either end, but the large open room at the center was Talon’s. Thalia stood in awe gazing upward toward the ceiling of glass that captured the living beauty of Hell’s skies in its many panes. The room itself was like the rest of Talon’s home, simply and tastefully furnished but the light dancing on every surface here would make poets weep and Thalia was stunned into silence at the beauty of it.

“You would be welcome to share this room with me of course.” Talon playfully ran his slender fingers into her hair and enjoyed the shivers it gave her. He chuckled and let her step away nervously. “But there are others.”

“There was one locked downstairs.” Thalia bravely ignored his suggestion and moved the conversation in another direction as she stepped away to investigate the other rooms. “I thought it was yours.”

“It belongs to another of my most prized possessions.” Talon watched for her reaction with a wicked grin.

“Oh.” Thalia stopped a moment with her heart in her throat but did not dare to turn and question it. She would no doubt meet this poor creature in time and for the moment she could not further cloud her mind with horrid thoughts of what Talon was capable of. She pressed on and opened the door to the room beside Talon’s and nearly fell over as she stepped inside. It was a near perfect replica of the small apartment she kept in Drifa. “This is…”

“I wanted you to be comfortable.” Talon explained from the door. “I thought it would help to bring your things here.”

“Thank you.” Thalia saw her own brand of mess in the room around her. Her knick-knacks all in tidy order where she had left them. This was not a replica of the life she had left behind; Talon had somehow brought it all here. Thalia could not even begin to grasp the magic behind such a task, but she was standing in her own home. “I’m going to change; If you want to wait here, I’ll only be a few…”

“Lord Talon!” A shout from the entry downstairs broke the friendly exchange and left Thalia wide-eyed in disbelief. It was Karas.

“Go on and change.” Talon sighed as he turned from the room and started to scold his guest. “Must you shout? I came home to relax.”

“So relax.” Karas smiled at Talon as he showed up in front of him. “We can both afford to now. He woke up.”

“And he’s well?” Talon was impressed Nei had survived the Djinn’s risky remedy. 

“Perfectly” Karas nodded. “Arrogant as ever.”

“I suppose I’ll be returning to Drifa then.” Talon was eager to pry as much information from Nei as possible. “Do you have plans?”

“I guess not.” Karas admitted sadly as he checked his phone. There had been no word from Thalia. “You need something?”

“I’ve acquired something that may need looking after.” Talon grinned. “I should introduce you before I go.”

“Introduce?” Karas laughed softly. “I’m not babysitting your newest pet.”

“You’ll do whatever I ask.” Talon reminded him coldly.

“Fine.” Karas pouted and crossed his arms. “Where is it?”

She.” Talon corrected as he grabbed Karas by his hair and took him to the door of Thalia’s room. “Will be living here. I expect you to help her get used to things.”

“Thalia?” Karas wished he could hide his grief at seeing her there. “What is she doing here, Lord Talon?”

“Paying a debt.” Talon grinned.  “Since it seems the two of you are acquainted it should make this simpler. I’ll return shortly.”

When Talon was gone, they both stood in silence for what seemed like an eternity. Each of them unsure how to end the pain that crippled their voices. The unbearable weight of their feelings left unspoken. It was a crash of thunder from the tumultuous skies outside that finally destroyed the silence between them. 

“Sounds like someone isn’t happy.” Karas attempted to change the mood with the clever weather forecast. Storms in hell were rare and according to most Watcher’s they were reflective of the moods within the heart of Hell itself, Lucifer’s castle. Karas thought it was probably best to get on with acclimatizing Thalia to her surroundings, if for no other reason than the lessons would distract him from the sick feeling in his gut. “The weather here is a bit different than Drifa…better usually.”

“I should have called,” Thalia knew he was trying to glaze over the horrible situation but she tried to apologize without giving too much of herself. “This happened so quickly.”

“I don’t understand why you…” Karas punched the door beside him. It only took the slightest nudge for him to give over to his raw emotion. “Damn it, Thalia! Did he touch you?”

“No.” Thalia looked away sadly. “This isn’t my choice, Karas. My father…”

“Hallax just gave you up to him?” Karas fumed. “For what?”

“Will you let me explain?” Thalia finally lost her composure and started to cry. “Do you really think that badly of my father?”

“No, of course not.” Karas contained his rage and hated himself for upsetting her. He stepped close enough to put his hands on her arms to comfort her and she fell against him weeping as she began to tell her story. Karas held her shaking body as if she were glass. He listened to every word as if she were chanting a curse against him. A tale that forever ensured his broken heart. By the time she had finished Karas had run through hundreds of scenarios in his mind that all ended badly. When Thalia wiped her face dry and looked up at him sadly he just forced himself to smile and hugged her gently before he stepped away.

“What now?” Thalia frowned at his sudden retreat.

“Now we do whatever the fuck he says.” Karas fought off tears to stick out his tongue far enough to show her his dilemma. 

“The locked room downstairs is yours…” Thalia sobbed as she saw Talon’s crest in black on the soft flesh of Karas’ tongue.

“Yea.” Karas looked aside defeated. “Welcome to the collection.”

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Waking : Fables : Frozen Flame : The First Glimmer

Presia sat waiting patiently for Frost to awake and spent her time making sense of vision that interrupted her peaceful watch over him. She was seeing turmoil, but it seemed to come from unlikely places. She also saw a journey that was not her own. A crossing of the ice filled with a sad confidence bringing the traveler closer and closer. Each step closer, conflict strengthened in other visions.

 It made little sense to her, but she was admittedly distracted and it was not always clear what the visions were showing her until some event put them in to perspective.

“It has been longer than usual.” Presia looked up at Lucifer as he approached. His aura pulsed with rage, but he remembered his promise and sat on the floor in front of her. “Your mood is foul.”

“Your sight has been helpful to me.” Lucifer hung his head. “Help me now.”

“My visions come on their own.” Presia looked at him crossly. “You know that.”

“Has there been nothing recently?” Lucifer asked hopefully.

“Your Lilith has gone missing?” Presia sighed. She knew it would happen. Not the details, only that they would be parted by treachery and it would be the catalyst that lit a spark in the darkness.

“You knew this would happen?” Lucifer screamed at her. “I should tear you apart.”

“Calm yourself.” Presia snapped at him coldly. “You are the one who asked I stop sharing the future with you.”

“What has happened to my Lilith?” Lucifer growled.

“I don’t see her fate that clearly.” Presia explained. “I can tell you only that she lives and I have seen a reunion. Have faith in that Lucifer. I am just as interested in her return. I believe Lilith to be the spring that begins the flood.”

“The torrent in your vision?” Lucifer laughed. “My Lilith?”

“You find that amusing?” Presia scowled at him. How dare he mock me, she thought. I help him at every turn and live as a prisoner at his whim! “I am giving you hope for her return.”

“She despises you.” Lucifer stood. “Loathes your very existence. You believe your destiny begins with her?”

“I believe it begins with the sleeping power inside her.” Presia grinned. She knew enough to be dangerous and that always made Lucifer angry, but she was still useful and that gave her more gumption than most when speaking to him.

“Hold your tongue, Esper.” Lucifer looked down at her cruelly. “If you see too much I will blind you.”

“When you find her…” Presia ignored his threat. “Reward her patience. Anyone who has tolerated you this long deserves more than a few hours of your cock.”

“I can’t imagine there is ever going to be a soul patient enough to tolerate you.” Lucifer vanished and left Presia to her meditations.

“Stubborn fool.” Presia muttered to herself. “It is his fault I am this way.”

Her magic had grown more powerful and even without a wealth of company to test her skills she had managed to train herself slowly. Her greatest talent may be her visions, but she could now see the aura of those around her, and the element of fire seemed to be as much a part of her as her own soul.

 Another gift she seemed to strengthen was a telepathic osmosis, even without interacting with the world her dreams seemed to fill her with a constant stream of information. Not like her visions of things to come, but clear vivid images of the world as it grew and changed.

As often as she longed for the companionship she saw in visions of others, she was just as often glad of her solitude. The world outside was harsh and unforgiving. As cruel as it was beautiful and Presia was in no rush to try and face it alone.

“Alone.” Presia sighed. Lilith’s departure meant the beginning of her destiny. Somehow her vision would start to come to life. Presia had yet to see enough to explain the river of blood or the crimson starlight that barely lit her augury, but the vision had grown stronger and changed with a visit from Lilith. It grew stronger again once she had seen the coming separation of the Dark Lord and his love. It was almost frightening after waiting so long to know that the first glimmer of starlight was breaking, somewhere in the coming tide her destiny waited. Presia had spent her life in captivity and it gave her chills trying to imagine any other existence. “Do I know how to be anything else?”

A strange memory surfaced and Presia sighed as she looked at Nei. He was recovering and she was glad of it, but this was the first time in so long that she had felt alone. The memory may have been her gift to herself, a reminder of what true loneliness was and that in that moment were the stirrings of the life she now held so dear. Patience. She told herself as a she remembered again the wandering vision coming closer. “And patience to you, weary traveler. I’m not ready for what you bring.”

Nei turned suddenly in her lap and lazily wrapped an arm around her. It was only a simple movement and it seemed involuntary. He didn’t wake or make a sound, but he was starting to come around.

“Rest well, Lord Frost.” Presia stroked his back and smiled. “I don’t want you to miss anything.”

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Waking : Fables :Frozen Flame (FF) An Experiment In Regret Pt.1

Presia sat holding her dear Master and pouring her every thought into his well being. She had every bit of faith that he would return to her. Her dear Lord Frost. She could no longer imagine life without him, but she could remember what it was before.

“Just lovely, my Lord.” Eidolon wiped the blood from his cheek. “After the effort to rid us the insanity of the fairer gender I fail to see why you would create one with such strength.”

 “I find her amusing.” Lucifer smiled over the demoness that clawed at his ankle as he pressed harder into her throat. “Besides her strength has a flaw.”

 “Aside from the mistake of using it against us?” Eidolon rested the edge of his sword against her face and had to admire the courage in the smile she offered in return.

 “The strength is meant to be given.” Lucifer stooped and tapped away the Falcon’s blade. “But I left her the choice.”

 “Seems ill advised.” Eidolon claimed the chaos of his sword and shrugged. “It also seems to have failed you.”

 “It was only an experiment.” Lucifer laughed. “I never wanted her for myself.”

 “Then you should have never touched me.” The demoness snapped at him. “I will belong to only one.”

 “Yes, yes.” Lucifer grabbed her wrist as she moved to claw at him and pushed her hair from her face. “And who was it that gave you such impeccable morals?”

 “Take your hands off of me.” The demoness screamed and engulfed her own limbs in flames to make herself clear. “My thoughts like my body are my own until I decide otherwise. I owe you no gratitude.”

 “That’s no small manipulation of chaos, my Lord.” Eidolon watched Lucifer grin as he endured the flames as if it were no more than a warm breeze. “What have you created?”

 “A very beautiful woman.” Lucifer sent a rushing torrent of water over her and laughed. His love of meddling made him indulge in a number of risks with this experiment. So many elements, so many souls folded perfectly together to create one magnificent creature. “A dangerous one until she finds her place.”

 “It will most certainly not be with you.” The demoness growled through clenched teeth before her body seized a moment and she was taken in by a vision.

A large fire crackled in the dusty sands of some abandoned desert. whispering of its loneliness to the silent night air. Sparks danced upwards as if reaching for the stars above and hoping for any one of them to reach back and touch the lonely flames.

 Then there was a roaring, the thundering sound of rushing water and the flames danced to life in the form of a great horned beast that spread its claws and waited for the oncoming torrent.

 As the storming waves raced toward the growing flames they slowed and circled the fire, taunting the beast as the surface of the waves frothed and crested with a great beast moving beneath the surface. As the great dragon burst from the waves it howled and turned its ethereal sea into walls of ice that encircled the flames and trapped the beast within.

 She reached up as the dragon changed form on the icy cliff, the form of a man obscured in the flickering shadows of flame and the cold wind that sent icy flakes into the beast’s eyes.

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